Outcomes & publications of the finalised researches

Every year, the foundation launches its call for projects. Its objective is the implementation of adaptive response for people with disabilities.

By following the links bellow, you will access all the ressources produced as part of the research projects mentionned.

More projects (in French) are available on the French Page.

This research studied the impact of bilingualisme for the inclusion and well being of children with ASD, based on their experiences. Several tools were produced for children, parents and professionals, each of them aivaible in several languages.

This sociological study was conducted by a public institution (l’Institut Département de l’Enfance, de la Famille et du Handicap - IDEFHI) that includes several medico-social organizations.


An applied research led by the MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Unit in partnership with Ghent University, Kyambogo University, Ministry of Education and Sports, Wakiso District Education Office, University of Metz, Makerere University, Katalemwa Cheshire Home, Watifiti art and design, and with teachers, parents and children representatives of SURE Prospect Primary School, Sacred Heart Jinja Karoli Primary School, and SHYNEA parents group.


A research led by the LIMSI-CNRS and the TEDyBEAR center for children with ADS


This research was conducted by the University of Maryland, in partnership with International Partners Cassie Stern Memorial, and several stakeholders in the field.


This project is conducted by Sorbonne University, the University of Bath and researchers and persons working in the field in many countries (France, England, Scotland, Spain, the United States ...).


An applied research carried out with Genious Healthcare, the Centre de Ressources Autisme Ile de France and the university health centre Pitié-Salpêtrière.

An applied research led by the Foundation Carmen Pardo-Valcarce, in partnership with the Spanish Guardia Civil and the university Complutense of Madrid. 

An applied research led by The University of East London, The Southern African Federation of the Disabled, SINTEF and Stellenbosch University

A project led by Coventry University in partnership with Advantage Africa, Standing Voice, Source of the Nile Union of Persons with Albinism (SNUPA, Uganda) and New Light Children Center Organization (NELICO, Tanzania)

A project led by Advantage Africa, in partnership with East London University

A project led by The University of Nantes in partnership with ADAPEI 44, Agir et Vivre l'Autisme et la Chrysalide de l'Etre

A project led by Handicap International in partnership with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

A project led by AIFO in partnership with the University of London, University of Washington and the Universty of Florence