The Contribution of Socio-aesthetics to the Inclusion of Young People with Disabilities :an applied research project with young people experiencing behavioral and developmental problems and specific language and learning challenges

This sociological study was conducted by a public institution (l’Institut Département de l’Enfance, de la Famille et du Handicap - IDEFHI) that includes several medico-social organizations.

The purpose was to assess the effects of training in socio-esthetic practices on the development and/or reinforcement of a sense of well-being and self-esteem among young people experiencing disabilities and enrolled in mainstreaming programs. 

The study included participants experiencing three categories of disability: patients at Le Chant du Loup IME [Medico-educational Institute] with developmental disabilities, young people at the Vallée de Seine ITEP [Educational and Pedagogical Therapy Institute] presenting behavioral disabilities, and patients at the IDEFHI Centre François Truffaut with specific language and learning disabilities.

The project methodology was designed to be:

  • Participative (implying the consent and participation of both the young participants and involved professionals in a variety of decisions).
  • Research (seeking to contribute to scientific knowledge).
  • Applied (by producing supporting materials and media with the participants, including video tutorials).


The project produced tools, which were co-produced by the project’s team members, participants, and videographers. These materials are open-source and situated at the crossroads between applied  research, health education, and techniques for nurturing a positive self-image. They are available to all interested families and professionals.

Al the tools are available in french :


Some materials are also available in english : 

  • 8 videos, created by and for the young study participants, each with a specific theme. 
  • 2 synthesis to describe the participative research and to present key findings.




The videos created for the project take the forms of tutorials that address the topics covered by the socio-esthetic workshops, including daily hygiene, self-care, fabricating cosmetics, and managing emotions.


The videos were designed and produced by the project participants. They are intended as
tools for sensitizing the participant’s peers in IDEFHI programs and other individuals of
various ages presenting disabilities.

The purposes of the videos are:

  • Encourage interactions about subjects related to the activities that they present
  • Encourage young people to engage in practical discussions
  • Encourage practical application of the video contents

The participants themselves chose the subjects covered by the videos :

  • Creating Sensory Balls (created by IME Primaire)
  • Creating a Personal Chart (created by IME Lycée)
  • Making a Candle (created by IME Primaire)
  • Making a Shower Gel (created by IME Lycée)
  • Hygiene and Habits (created by IME Collège)
  • Hand Massage (created by ITEP)
  • My Body and Me (created by CFT)
  • Face Care (created by CFT)
This research was supported by FIRAH and the Fondation L'Oréal.