The 'Obuntu Bulamu' toolkit

An applied research led by the MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Unit in partnership with Ghent University, Kyambogo University, Ministry of Education and Sports, Wakiso District Education Office, University of Metz, Makerere University, Katalemwa Cheshire Home, Watifiti art and design, and with teachers, parents and children representatives of SURE Prospect Primary School, Sacred Heart Jinja Karoli Primary School, and SHYNEA parents group.


This applied research project aimed to develop implementation support tools to further inclusive education of children with disabilities in primary schools in low resource settings. The project is in line with Article 24 of the CRPD and SDG4 and was implemented by a multidisciplinary Ugandan team of children with disabilities, their families and teachers, artists, rehabilitation workers, and academicians. In total 3 illustrated training manuals were developed with practical tools for parents and teachers, and children. The manuals were developped in English, and translated into French. The tools describe simple steps children, parents, and teachers can take to include children with disabilities in school and offer concrete solutions to the include children with disabilities and their families in communities. The collaboratively created tools are based on the peer to peer innovative, culturally appropriate, and low-cost intervention ‘Obuntu bulamu’ which offers peer to peer support at the child’s, parent’s, and teacher’s level through training, mentoring and awareness raising activities on a termly basis.


During this research, 3 series of illustrated manuals were produced. These training manuals are practical tools for parents and teachers, and children in English, and French in printed hardcopies and softcopies online. The tools describe school experiences and simple steps children, parents, and teachers can take to include children with disabilities in school and offer concrete solutions to the difficulties children with disabilities and their families encounter on a daily basis. The focus is on how one can support fellow teachers, parents and children in creating communal responsibility to include children with disabilities at school and create awareness about disability using the ‘Obuntu bulamu’ peer to peer support intervention.

Manuals for teachers 

Manuals for parents

Manuals for children




… on the thematic
The documentary review realised during this research privides information and ressources on cultural concepts of disability and inclusive education in African context. 
Access to the documentary review